Please join me at the reception for
Cape Cod Art Association's
special exhibition
"All New England."
My image
"The Bath"
has been chosen
as one
of the celebrated images.
I've shared with you
expansive outside beauty...
the changing flow
of water on the marsh,
the tree alive through winds upon the ocean bluffs
mystery and intimacy deep within the blizzard...
I now offer you a different view..
the gift of inner silence, peace and nurturing
reflections, Love
All that I feel deeply at my winter Cape Cod home.
A breath. A sigh.
May you also feel the Enchantment
always present in our everyday lives.
Reception, October 20, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
October 16 - November 12, 2017
3480 Main Street
Barnstable, MA 02630